Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water,

the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects

Dalai Lama


Jane Tuomola Clinical Psychologist Coach Supervisor in Singapore

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If you’re interested in therapy, coaching or supervision, let’s see if we are a good fit working together

My primary way of working with clients, whether through therapy, coaching or supervision, is using the solution focused approach.

This starts with developing a clear picture of your vision for the future. I work closely with you to build on and develop your strengths, resources and skills needed to achieve this vision step by step. It is a very powerful evidence-based approach that can make a big difference to your life in a short space of time.

Combining 20 years of experience as a psychologist and over 10 years as a coach, I believe understanding psychology is key to making both the day-to-day behavioral changes you want and being able to find your deeper purpose and meaning in life.


Whether you’re navigating significant life transitions, feeling overwhelmed or unhappy, or managing the weight of stress, the solution-focused therapy approach is designed to help you uncover practical strategies that foster resilience and enhance your overall well-being. We will focus on reconnecting with your best self so you can thrive in your work and personal life.

Executive and Life Coaching

My passion is working with clients in transition. This may be a life transition such as moving country or becoming a parent, or a work transition such a changing job or taking a step up the corporate ladder. Combining 20 years of experience as a psychologist and over 15 years as a coach, I help you make both the day-to-day behavioural changes changes and find the deeper purpose and meaning in life.


My mission is to provide a safe space to help you learn and grow, so that you can offer the highest quality evidence based service to your clients, have good work life boundaries and maintain the passion for your work. As an approved supervisor with Singapore Psychological Society and an EMCC Accredited Coaching Supervisor, I offer individual and group supervision to coaches and other health care professionals.