Executive and Life Coaching

When I moved to Singapore in 2008, many clients I saw in private practice were struggling with normal cultural adjustments and needed coaching not therapy. My original mission and purpose as a psychologist was to reduce mental distress and help people develop mental wellness. Starting my journey as a coach felt that it fitted very well – I could offer people a safe space to normalise the impact of their transition and enjoy their life abroad. Having lived and worked in the U.K, Australia, Finland and Singapore, I could relate to my clients stories and use both my personal and professional experience to help clients not just overcome the challenges of living abroad but thrive.

Working with clients in transition is still an area that I am passionate about. This may be a life transition such as moving country or becoming a parent, or a work transition such as changing job or taking a step up the corporate ladder.

I combine 20 years of experience as a psychologist and over 15 years as a life and executive coach to help you make both the day-to-day behavioral changes you want and find the deeper purpose and meaning in life.

I have worked with a huge variety of clients ranging from C-suite executives to those in their first team leadership role, from new parents to those dealing with empty nest syndrome.

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Let’s discuss what you are looking for from coaching and see if we are a good fit to work together

jane tuomola executive coaching singapore

Working with me

jane tuomola coaching singapore

What is Solution Focused Coaching?

Solution-focused coaching is a goal-oriented and efficient approach that emphasises outcomes rather than exploring problems in detail, leading to quicker, tangible results. Drawing on your strengths, resources, and past successes, it boosts confidence and motivation which empowers you to take actionable steps. It focuses on the future, helping you move forward without having necessarily to revisit past issues. By breaking down goals into manageable steps, it reduces feelings of overwhelm, making it a practical and positive choice for achieving meaningful change.

Single Session Performance Coaching

  • One coaching session of 75 minutes
  • Debrief over email to capture learning
  • Useful if you need prepare for an important event such as a job interview, board presentation or sport’s match but are not sure about longer term coaching
  • Also useful as a one off clarity session to envision your goals in detail and walk away with actionable steps forwards

Thriving Through Transitions Package

  • 6 sessions of 50 minutes over 4 months
  • Supported by reading and exercises via email as needed
  • Useful for those preparing for or managing a transition such as a new job, international move, life transition (e.g. becoming a parent, retiring) or role transition (moving up leadership hierarchy)


Deeper Transformation

  • 10 sessions of 50 minutes over 1 year
  • Supported by reading and exercises via email as needed
  • Useful for those looking for a deeper and longer lasting personal transformation in their work or personal life
jane tuomola transition coaching singapore

Podcast: Navigating Life’s Transitions

I was recently invited by Montse Castells from The Wellness Hood to talk about how to help people navigating transitions. Thanks to Montse for facilitating a great discussion – you can listen here for some useful tips!

“With us today, the great Dr Jane Tuomola, a Clinical Psychologist and Coach who specialises in helping clients thrive through transitions. As an expat herself who has lived and worked in 4 countries, she combines both her personal and professional expertise to support clients to overcome challenges and thrive in their life abroad.

We delve deep into the art of understanding and managing life’s transitions. From cross cultural shifts to career changes, we explore the different impacts these transitions have on individuals and families alike. Tune in as we share practical coping strategies, including tips for stress management and maintaining physical wellness during times of change. Discover the keys to mental resilience and the importance of seeking support as we navigate life’s twists and turns. Stay tuned till the end for real life examples and actionable advice to help you embrace change with confidence.”

Podcast: Navigating Life's Transitions


I am very happy that I finally decided to take action, and even happier that I chose to work with you.

The past two months have been life changing, mind boggling and entirely surprising!

Thanks for helping me with the things I needed to work on.






Barry Teo

Senior Credit Manager, Singapore

I really appreciated your ability to hold the space for me.  You were able to listen and add without judgement.  This gave me the opportunity to really explore myself.

The last session really helped me appreciate how far I’ve come. Jane, thanks for being such an amazing coach and companion during this exciting time




Ashley C.

C-level Executive, Singapore

Jane’s calm and supportive style created a safe space where I felt truly comfortable opening up about deeper issues and challenges. Insightful questions challenged my thinking in a productive way, helping me to see my options with greater clarity.

I’ve gained a deeper understanding of myself, particularly regarding my strengths and weaknesses. Better strategies and accountability tools have resulted in being able to set realistic goals. Her approach was exceptional, and I truly appreciate the positive impact it’s had on both my personal and professional development.

Elizabeth Taylor

Marketing Trainer and Consultant, Singapore